I remember writing a couple of years ago, in 2020, about how important brass groups are at Christmas, and how we were missing the festive music and carols. It looked like 2021 was going to bring it all back but Covid had bit of a sting in the tail and lots of events were cancelled. 2022 though has changed all that. The long years of 2020 and 2021 now seem such a long time ago and, although covid hasn’t gone away, we are now enjoying the types of events we were used to pre-pandemic.
So what have we learned in 2022?
Well, one striking phenomena in the Christmas and carols post Covid, is the public appetite for events, and especially those with music. There is a perceptible increase in those attending events. Bands in the park and summer fetes and fairs have reported large increases in those attending, at least where l am. Granted the hot summer weather probably had an effect but one outdoor carol service l was at last week also reported a large increase in participation. l don’t know about elsewhere (let me know your thoughts in the comments) but it is difficult to believe that this is only happening in my small part of the world. So if it is a widespread phenomena what are we to make of it?
We all suffered badly during the pandemic and staying at home and going nowhere was the norm for several months. Even after restrictions started to lift we were still unable to gather for events and the entertainment industry was decimated. It took until earlier this year for restrictions to be lifted completely and things got back to normal, and it all happened pretty quickly.
However, we got some advance notice that this was going to happen so we got to organise and look forward to things returning to normal. I know from experience that there was an appetite for events returning, and at least one of my bands were inundated with requests and were in the unprecedented situation where they were having to turn jobs down because they were so busy.
Christmas concerts are back
So after the disappointment of last year’s events being cancelled because of a resurgence of Covid we eventually managed to put on some concerts this year. The first in Worcester though was hit a little by one player getting Covid and two others getting stuck in snow! But we got through it and would have moved heaven and earth to make sure it happened this year. A second event in Malvern this weekend also went off without major incident, and the weather seemed to be a little milder. We also managed keep clear of colds, Covid, flu and all other manner of seasonal diseases.
A brief look around seasonal events and it seems that events, fairs and Carol sessions seem to be enthusiastically embraced, and reports of concerts and big gigs is telling the same story.
Lockdown and isolation seem a long time ago now but it has taken a while to get fully confident about getting out and about again, although there are some people who are still very cautious, probably with good reason. Hopefully it means that we really did miss all those things we took for granted before those dark days and appreciate them more now. I suppose next year will be the real test, to see if that enthusiasm is maintained.
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Have a great Christmas and see you in 2023.Have a great Christmas and see you in 2023.